SAP Rebranding and Messaging

SAP had made several strategic acquisitions of analytics and data management companies. The expanded portfolio called for re-branding the company and aligning messaging across all industries, personas, and lines of business.

Key Challenges

  • Each executive and line of business was using their own version of messaging, creating confusion in the market

  • The sales organization was unsure how to discuss the combined value proposition from the new acquisition

  • SAP branding was outdated and didn’t convey the innovation and positive impact solutions provided for customers

New Message Structure

The project called for a new messaging structure aligned with the updated brand for the entire company.

Tool to Align Communications

A comprehensive reference tool guided executives, sales, and marketing in how to adopt the new messaging.

The interactive document with new messaging became the foundation of all sales, marketing, and communications, including the corporate website and annual SAPPHIRE user conference.


  • Easy to remember messaging structure improved communications

  • The market better understood SAP’s value proposition

  • Key events were more effective

  • Increased Net Promoter Score

I've worked with Holly at two separate companies and would recommend her to anyone in B2B tech. She's a "fast learn" so she quickly understands the value prop of different types of software. She excels at strong messaging and positioning, product launches that get the attention of target buyers, and ensuring that the sales team has the right content to earn our client's business.

Stan Tims, COO, ChiroTouch

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