BeerBoard UX and Materials Redesign

Managing more than $1 billion in retail bar sales with over 55,000 products on their platform, BeerBoard is turning consumption data and product management into a more streamlined process with meaningful insights and intelligent recommendations. BeerBoard sought RebelGTM’s help in several areas; user experience design for their platform, in order to refine existing flows and prepare for new features and functionality releases, and marketing design and media production.

Key Challenges

  • An evolving platform where the breadth of data intelligence was surpassing the original systems design, and as a result there was a growing UX debt.

  • The method of interaction from bar owners and managers has changed since the inception of BeerBoard, from stationary POS systems and desktop monitoring to mobile and remote management.

  • BeerBoard needed help to extend its reach through marketing via social media, media production, and physical and digital assets.

A Confluence of Design

COVID and an industry naturally evolving to more remote management has given BeerBoard the opportunity to flex, showcasing years of aggregated data with novel approaches to solving business needs.

Moving Way
 Beyond Beer

BeerBoard works closely with RebelGTM to ensure that the user experience not only fits within the current platform, but sets the stage for feature growth and relieves some of the UX debt without a wholesale changeup in the apps that BeerBoard customers have become comfortable with.

With a refined platform and a wealth of data aggregated from deep, broad integration across major restaurant and bar franchises, BeerBoard is now expanding into offering AI and data intelligence for Liquor and Wine product management.


  • A redesigned flow has reduced the onboarding time for new customers from weeks to hours.

  • New dashboards that automate recurring and recommended orders based on localized aggregated sales data have been rolled out.

  • Production of new marketing assets including video are being used to drive new sales initiatives.

I've worked with Holly at two separate companies and would recommend her to anyone in B2B tech. She's a "fast learn" so she quickly understands the value prop of different types of software. She excels at strong messaging and positioning, product launches that get the attention of target buyers, and ensuring that the sales team has the right content to earn our client's business.

Stan Tims, COO, ChiroTouch

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